Gulf Studies Symposium Call for Paper Abstracts


Announced by the University of Pittsburgh

The Gulf Studies Symposium (GSS) invites scholars focused on Gulf studies to share their insights and expertise. We are now accepting abstract submissions for our seven workshops.

Our Vision:
At GSS, our driving ambition is to curate a collection of pioneering publications that not only uphold the highest standards of academic rigor but also shed light on fresh, invigorating perspectives about the nine Gulf states. This symposium represents a confluence of rich histories, current narratives, and forward-looking analysis.

Who Should Submit?
We welcome the diverse voices and opinions that the academic world offers. Whether you are an emerging scholar carving out a niche or a seasoned academic with years of research under your belt, we are eager to hear from you. We particularly value contributions from scholars of varied backgrounds and affiliations, believing that every unique perspective enriches the collective understanding of the Gulf region.

Key Details:
Submission Deadline: October 10, 2023
The workshops cover seven themes led by top-tier experts focusing on defense and security; economy and governance; foreign policies of Gulf states; energy policies; U.S.-Gulf policy; society and culture; and geopolitics.

For the full abstract submission guidelines visit this link: